12 May 2008

Clue #2

First Name - Hit it's peak of popularity in the 1920s & 30s, reaching into the Top Twenty before dropping as low as the 'Top 160' in the 1980s.

Middle Name - Virtually unused (as a first or middle name) before the 1960s, has since moved surprisingly from the 'Top 1000' to the 'Top 400' today.


The Way EYE See It... said...

Alec Barack Bouse

Will you really tell people on the blog?

Adam said...

Despite my attempt to commit to naming our kid after who ever wins the Election (I proposed this idea back in January), Stacey vetoed it like G-dubya.

And yes, if someone actually gets it, you'll read it here first!

(special-hidden-clue: no repeat initials)

Unknown said...

Kennedy Grant

Anonymous said...

So I'm pretty sure the first name is Jack, but I got nothing for the middle name.