27 December 2007

A Newness

Well, this is now the home of my meandering on the interweb.

Looking back to 2007, there was some great "new-to-me" music out there, including, but not limited to:

- The Damnwells, "Bastards of the Beat"
- Bruce Springsteen, "We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions"
- Old Crow Medicine Show, "World Cafe (EP)"
- Gaving DeGraw, "Chariot (Stripped)"
- Aqualung, "Memory Man"
- John Mayer, "The Village Sessions (EP)"

Now, looking forward to 2008 (and not just music), here are some things I'm really looking forward to:

- Another year with my wife!

- Movies
- The Dark Knight
- Prince Caspian
- Cloverfield
- Horton Hears a Who
- Rambo (not really, but you have to see it, right?)

- The Fourth Season of LOST

- Another season at Conner Prairie

- The Presidential Election (It just feels like it is an increasingly important time in our history, right?)

- A new Coldplay album

And more to come, I'm sure. What are you excited about?


The Way EYE See It... said...

I'm excited about

+ learning more about health and fitness and practicing it

+ some of the movies you mentioned (Dark Knight, Caspian esp.)

+ watching "Band of Brothers" with my brothers, Adam and Ben

+ grace

+ more time with the Bouses! (hint hint)