05 January 2008

Bare With Me

At the risk of turning this into a political blog, I thought I'd share some thoughts on tonights ABC/Facebook Debate.

(sorry this post is so stinking long.
I want to vomit at the length)

I'm just really getting into the Presidential race and have stepped out of my comfort zone and made it quasi-public knowledge that I actually have political thoughts. I guess I grew up in the sphere of either don't talk about it, or don't care about it. Another way I'm different from my parents I suppose.

(My thoughts will now wander to-and-fro)

I should start by thanking my wife for letting me watch all four hours. She is gracious.
The Republicans came on first (McCain, Thompson, Paul, Romney, Giuliani). I'll say I haven't paid much attention to them so far. But I think I learned some things. It's true that Giuliani is still trying to ride the wave of "9/11." I'm not sure that's a good (or valid) platform. Romney seemed...seemed...gross. That's not the right word, but he just seemed like he was trying to be a tough guy, but sucked at it. He got hit with some personal jabs, and seemed to sort of whimper and complain (mostly because they were good, clean personal jabs). Fred Thompson slipped into "Law and Order" mode. Maybe, just maybe, that is the best idea he can run with. It seemed plausible. McCain...I'm still not too certain he won't just snap, streak camo-paint on his face and start launching pencil grenades from under a desk. He just seems unstable (and old).

Ron Paul, he is an interesting fellow. He garners a ton of young uns' support. Which is moderately confusing, given that he is 72. But he seemed to have the most genuine responses and maybe the one Republican I agree with (on some things). But he seemed a bit too exasperated about world problems. Sure, get up set and passionate about things. But, don't seem overwhelmed by it. Just go for whelmed. He does seem, at times, like a well spoken Mr. Magoo. (Sidenote: I think he's the most real candidate, which is too bad because the other five just laugh at him and shove him to the side for it - he just won't play their game. Even the moderator pointed out that he is consistent and stands strong on what he believes.)

Overall, it seemed to me that the Republicans are still running on a campaign of fears (the term "Islamic Fascim" was used at least once). As a whole (using stereotypes, which is wrong, but right at some point), Republicans support some things that just don't jive with me - tax cuts for the rich, uninhibited gun control, the notion that big business is the salvation of America and the world (i.e. Wal-Mart, Pharmaceuticals). OH MY GOSH! I just remembered that Mitt Romney said, quote (paraphrase), "Drug companies are not the bad guys. They are doing things to help make our lives better." Stacey retorted, "Like making Viagra and restless-leg-syndrome medicines?"

The Democrats came on and crossed paths with the Republicans. Then they began their debate (Edwards, Obama, Richardson, Clinton). It was pretty funny/entertaining to watch Edwards/Obama tag team against Clinton within the first 10 minutes or so. She got flustered and sort of lashed out, spouting ad nauseum about her "35 years experience" again. Nauseum is right.

Bill Richardson is similar to Ron Paul in that he is the most honest, perhaps well rounded candidate. Too bad he hasn't got a chance. But, he could be a stunt doulbe for Horatio Sanz on SNL.

I'll say this about Hillary Clinton. Actually, Obama said it: "Hillary, you're likable...enough."

What I will say is this: Being a woman is not a valid credential for being elected President (that is not to say I am against a woman President). I pray from the depths of my being that not a sole will actually vote for her solely because she is a woman. That is the most absurd thing I can think of. Same goes for Obama; don't vote for him solely because he is black. Or Huckabee, because he is Evangelical Christian. These are horrible reasons to vote for someone. Horrible.


Anonymous said...

I actually searched out your blog. As much as you probably ddont believe it, I actually used to quite enjoy our OWN debates about things. And as I watched the 4 hour debate...I thought, (yes probably for the first and very last time ever) I wished I worked at the museum tomorrow. SO I wanted to see what you had to say. You did not disappoint.

The Way EYE See It... said...

4 hours?!?!? They expect young people to watch that much of a debate...on a SATURDAY?!?

Good opinions on the candidates. I (should I admit this?) am waiting for the field of candidates to be narrowed down before I make a decision to learn more about them.

Kudos to you for expressing your civic muscle!