31 January 2008

LOST Predictions

I'm going to make 9 hasty predictions about what is going to happen on LOST.
(some bold, some obvious)

1 - Jack's Dad (Christian) isn't dead.

2 - John Locke will never leave the Island.

3 - Michael and Walt never left the Island.

4 - Kate picks someone we haven't even met yet

5 - Rousseau will die in the ensuing showdown of rescue

6 - Michael will be murdered by one of the survivors

7 - Juliette will kill a bad guy

8 - Jin will die before the end of the premiere

9 - Desmond will predict the future. Jack will chose against it

Here's how I feel: I have a man-crush on Locke. I want justice enforced regarding Michael. I want the island to really be alive. I really want to like Ben aka Henry Gale, but I can't. I hope they really build the mythology of the story. And I want this to be the best season yet.