10 January 2008

A Few Things

Here are a few things I've come across in the past few days. I thought they were worth sharing.

This is a preview at a new application on the iPhone. You can order Starbucks on your phone - Grande Frappuccino, 2%, extra cream. And then to pay, just wave your phone in front of the QuickPay scanner. (I'll hold my comments until I can complain in person).

- Sidenote: There are 171 Starbucks in Manhattan alone!

And as you can see, Disney is hiring! I think it's a neat concept. They just have a way of really creating a sense of wonderment, even for employees. "Imagineers" "Chief Magic Official" It's almost worth making a video and applying.

And finally, a new word: Locavore
Definition: Someone who eats only foods produce/grown/raised within 100 miles of their home.

I'm not making this up - I read it in an article.
Here's the article: Food & Wine

Here's another one declaring Locavore the "Oxford Dictionary 2007 Word of the Year."

And here's a source for finding locally grown food in the US (calculating by "food miles.")


The Way EYE See It... said...

anks for the locavore info...I am more interested in this than I have been previously.. Perhaps we can get together and discuss it?

Jake Sikora said...

hey adam, just stumbled across this and thought i'd say hi, it's your old neighbor jake. shoot me an e-mail sometime, i don't think i have yours, and tell me about your wife, life, etc.