03 February 2008

A New Approach To Politics

Black Eyed Peas front man was so inspired by Obama's speech, he decided to write a son around it and produce a music video in support of the Presidential candidate. "Yes we can" was directed by Jesse Dylan, son of music legend Bob Dylan.

Quickly, I'll say that I was inspired by this music video. Aside from the fact that it is for Obama, there is a reminder here that savvy marketing is effective. Compare this video (4 minutes) to any :30 second TV campaign commercial and I'll take this video any day. Why don't political campaigns take an approach like this? There's no doubt in my mind that any speech set to music is fundamentally more powerful in effective a sentiment or mood. (Perhaps that is dangerous..Maybe I don't mean this).

Regardless, watch the video and share your thoughts.
(And it's amazing the number of Celebs who stepped up for this production)


Unknown said...

It is very inspiring. I'm with you that this is a great technique to reach people.

Bob Thompson said...

That's true. Nothing like music to carry a message that will stick.

Jon said...

It's a good format, it's true. I'm just not sure why I should care what Nicole Scherzinger from the Puddycat Dolls or ScarJo thinks about politics. Half of those people should stick to rump shaking or rapping about it.

I've talked too much about Obama, but I just hope a lot of people aren't devastated if or when their rock-star candidate doesn't get the nod. I hope they'll still contribute to the democratic process regardless.