27 February 2008

Away With You

A conversation at work today revolved around my commonly asked question, "If you could un-invent one thing, what would it be?"

Given my experience on the interstate this morning,
that was my answer today. Usually, though, I answer "the assembly line." I don't have the time nor the inclination to espouse those thoughts/beliefs right now. Here are a few answers from today's round table-ing:

- GM
- 7:00 am on Mondays
- Gunpowder
- the Interstate System
- Politics
- Sewage
- Chemical Fertilizer
- Slaughterhouses
- Cheese

So, what are you un-inventing in your mind?


Katie said...

haha, many of the same things!

Mister Evil Breakfast said...

I'd probably uninvent the giraffe. They're fucking useless. Seriously, what has a giraffe done for you lately?

The Way EYE See It... said...

mass-produced food? corporate farms?

Chalupa said...

Cheese? Somebody wants to un-invent cheese? That'd be a travesty if I ever heard one.

Unknown said...

For real...I ditto the cheese question!

But...maybe useless web surfing. :( I know that's not a popular answer but it's currently how I feel.