10 February 2008

Website Recommendations

I recently had a conversation about the routine of checking "regular websites." Most of us probably have a routine we go through - checking email, facebook, blogs, certain websites. I thought I'd share a list of websites I check pretty regularly.

A great website for sharing what you are reading, what you've read, and what you want to read. Great for seeing what others are in to, as well as for reviews and recommendations.

I know I've raved about this site for a while, but it never gets old. You post books you are willing to get rid of. You get credits. You request books that other people have requested. Books are mailed, and that's all you ever pay - the shipping. I've gotten 20 or so books, at a fraction of the price. There's no excuse not to do it.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich
(note: the goal is not necessarily to "get rich quick") A ridiculous title, but a great/informative read. This guy is a Stanford grad and has a great take on personal finance and whatnot. You should start by reading some of his most popular articles and I'm confident you'll be hooked. He has great things to say about money, mostly because he talks like he is one of us, not one of them [insiders].

Improv Everywhere

A great group based in NY: not a flash mob, but instead they "cause scenes of chaos and joy in public places," in a way that is seemingly random, but tend to be orchestrated and wonderful. Missions are carried out in publicly anonymous ways. Example: hundreds of people dressing in a blue polo and khaki pants, then standing in the aisle of Best Buy, waiting to be asked questions as if they were actually employees. Hysterical-ness ensues.

Stereo Subversion
A great, locally based, Rob Alan-designed website that covers music. It's a great way to get to know new bands, read reviews of albums new and old.

Burnside Writers Collective
I came to this particular site through Donald Miller. It's a less-than prolific repository for thoughtful, or at least thought provoking articles on anything from sports to social justice to communion bread. I think I like it because I [secretly] want to be a writer and the idea of a "writers' collective" is alluring.

Relevant Magazine
I usually only go here for the Daily Slices - current event bits and random news stories of interest. They also have a more prolific repository for thoughtful, or at least though provoking, articles on mostly faith related things.

Online Settlers of Katan
I hate this game in real life, but the online version (called "Explorers" here) is moderately-to-dangerously addictive. It's free - they have random boards and you don't have to play real people, but you can. It makes me a bit of a nerd, but oh well.

I love looking at photography and this a great place to find free stock photography, for whatever your needs might be. The picture at the top of this blog came from there. There are thousands of pictures, sortable by category. It's wonderful if you need it.

Exploding Dog
Not nearly as traumatic as it sounds, this website is based on a very simple premise: People email sayings, phrases, or just a word or two and this guy draws a picture based on only that. At times, they are pure genius. Other times, they are childish and neurotic. Other than the fact it is hard to navigate between each days pictures, this site can hold your anticipatory attention for hours if you'll just let it.


Lij said...

I decided to look you up via Facebook after our conversation this morning. Hope that's okay!

Your list inspired me to make my own: - blog - women - feminist thoughts - hilarious - sometimes hilarious - almost always hilarious - movie reviews

Do you ever think about the websites you USED to visit every day, but don't anymore? I have a ton of those.

I should put Exploding Dog back on my regularly-checked site.

The Way EYE See It... said...

You'll be happy to know that your list convinced me to do something that Jon could not - I joined goodreads and seem slightly addicted. But right now this site is keeping me from going to bed and reading a good BOO on my lack of discipline.

Jon said...

AB, I hope I get the assist for your score as far as luring J.Mitch into goodreads. I can only concur with your praise for that site and PBS, and SSv ain't bad either. [wink]

Adam said...

JS, consider your self scored for an assist.