05 March 2008

The Google Workplace

I came across this Reuters photo-essay on the Google Workplace. This is the sort of place I want to work. This is something to aim for. What a work environment! Now that I've spent some time in a cubicle, I want it even more. And I've started by implementing with foursquare (twice a week) and lunchswaps. Now I've got some new ideas.

This is by far the best photo and the best idea. There are 17 photos and each photo comes with a quick explanation.


Chalupa said...

I have a couple college buddies that work there. They have amazing stories about that place.

benny krown said...

at first I thought that pod was his cubicle essentially, like a 360 degree fully digital interactive enviroment; but now i see the wonder and the beauty! ha.

Jon said...

The new downtown library in Indy has chairs kind of like that, two different kinds that, together, would be like this chair.