31 March 2008

Odds and Ends

Random thought: Is it weird that I just assume that the internet will eventually cease to exist some day? That it won't be a viable, or at least accessible resource?


And in Big Brother fashion, I was looking at Analytics, the program I use to see who comes to this blog (along with a ridiculous amount of information on each visit - on browser type, length of stay, etc) and noticed two things. First thing:

About 22% of the visits come from Colorado (thanks Steph!)

And Second Thing: Why/how on Earth are people from Australia, India, Brazil, and various other nations looking at my blog??? (each dot represents a city - 294 different cities mind you)


Jeff and Steph said...

What can I say, I strive to be the best?? Actually the problem may lie here- your blog is first on my list and opens faster than our home page. So, I often go to your blog, then to our home page because that's actually faster than going straight to our home page. But we really do love our family and love to read your blog!!