25 March 2008

Oh the Glory!!!

I once went FOUR years with a song stuck in my head. I couldn't necessarily remember the lyrics, or the title, or even the artist (or type of artist). All I could remember was about a measure and a half of the melody. And when finally I discovered it, by stroke of God or luck or what have you, it was glorious (Badly Drawn Boy, The Shining). Today, I had a similar, perhaps even greater experience.

I've gone SIX years now, with this vague notion of what my memory recalled as "the shortest short story ever written." I've googled it, I searched, I inquired - all I could remember was that A) it was short (probably one sentence) and 2) that it had to do with a baby.

Today, as I let 30 minutes dwindle away before I could leave for the day, I picked up a writing book from my college days (my non-fiction writing class actually - amazing book, amazing class). And as I was leafing through, skipping from section to section, I paused to read the section entitled "Elminate Words." Each section focuses on a different way to spark creativity, break down the wall, and revive the flow of language through the pen. And there it was.

Someone once challenged Ernest Hemmingway to write a short story with as few words as possible - he did it in 6 words:

For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.


The Way EYE See It... said...


Jeff and Steph said...

Wow, gave me the chills.

Jon said...

That Hemingway bit is great, and quoted in the Smith magazine 6-word memoir call-out:

I submitted one and should check out the book-form collection to see if it made it. Authors famous and non- contributed.