08 March 2008

Snow Dog

Daisy and I went for a romp in the fresh snowfall today. I'm ready for spring, but it was good to get a solid snowfall in before we move on to the next season. We ended up with three to four inches her in Muncie. In some of the pictures below, you'll see that she went crazy, just running in circles for the first bit. Then she entered the "I want to eat snow" phase. I tried to get her to pose for a portrait, but she just wouldn't sit still. So, here are a few of my favorites, followed by a slideshow of the good ones.


Update: Here's a video of Daisy playing, mostly for the Smiths in Colorado.


Jeff and Steph said...

So cute! Avery is going to love this since while she was praying last night, she thanked God for Daisy Dog! She included you guys too, don't worry!

The Way EYE See It... said...

How fun!!! I'm glad you gave her the chance to let loose. Dogs love snow, don't they?